Monday, August 3, 2015

And She is Outta Here!

After thirty three treatments over 6 1/2 weeks, suffering the fatigue, tender skin, nausea and most of all social isolation that goes with it, my Badass Kid completed this part of the journey!!!!
She isn't out of the woods by a long shot and even this victory will take weeks to rebound from but she did it and did it well. 
I am sorry we are five days out and I'm just updating now but we also picked her oldest brother up from Governor's School that afternoon and to be perfectly honest, as I always am, ,we have been celebrating ever since. 
I am full of thoughts and emotions but have been too exhausted to share. Stay tuned though. If you know me you know I don't keep quiet for long. Until then, we steel up for her oncologist visit this week and head into the next part of treatment. Buckle up friends and family,.With chemo, college visits, online school for J and regular school for the Boyz and Mom's business and work responsibilities all scheduled around a few fun trips, whew, it is going to be a crazy month or so ahead. We are busy but not complaining. Why?  Say it with me, We Celebrate Everything! Corny, I know but we are so grateful.
#sotired #celebrateeverything #juliasarmy #teamjulia #gratitude

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