Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Next Stop....

As I was talking with a friend the words, "except for this Fucking cancer thing always hanging over us, life is really really good." came out of my mouth.  I need to think on that for awhile.  #celebrateeverything

So another summer day is upon us. I spent this hot August day playing Mom Uber Driver and carting kids around the county. I'm not complaining. I even got to catch the fantastic Pixar movie, Inside Out as a perk! We have enjoyed pretending we have conquered this third incident of cancer. It is easy to make believe all is well while we swim, play, attend concerts and movies, have small excursions about town and generally live like normal people. Then, like a criminal hiding behind a tree with a sledgehammer, reality hits us as we walk the pathway of our days. Day to day "life is really really good" but tomorrow we face reality. Julia has an appointment with her oncologist and we shall discuss the next steps of her treatment. It is hard to ignore the reasons we are there. I don't expect any big news and hope for no surprises but if you care to wish us well it would be appreciated.  So much for pretence.  Back to the morning haul in with the traffic that every city suffers at that hour. Maybe we can find a great breakfast or lunch place. I will enjoy the one on one time without the "cool teen" in the room. When it's just us it is so much nicer. So there it is! Something to enjoy. #celebrateeverything


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